Well, I finally returned to my office at work after (what??) three months of working from home. We're only required to wear a mask if we can't maintain a 6 foot distance. Thankfully I have a large office that allows to uphold this rule so I don't have to sit with a mask on for 9 1/2 hours. I know this is to protect me, but seriously folks, I never knew I was claustrophobic until I had to strap this bad boy over my nose and mouth. (No wonder my C-Pap machine hasn't seen daylight in over 2 years.) Then there's the issue of waking up 2 hours earlier than I have for the self-quarantine/work-from-home time. I'll adjust back. It's just a little tiring right now.
But, it's nice to be out of the house. It's nice to be somewhat more organized at my office rather than working from a makeshift home office. It's nice seeing my co-workers in person rather than a ZOOM conference or talking over the phone. Emailing is not the same as hearing someone's tone or emotions in person.
Have restrictions in your area begun to lift? If you've had to adjust to working at home, are you now allowed to go back to work outside the house? How are you handling the return to your work routine?
I wish you all peace, love, and health.
Angela Hood-Ross
Live, Laugh, Love
First Page Critique: At the Monster’s Mercy
16 hours ago
Tim's been at work this entire time so no changes for us in that regard. Wow, two hours before, that would take me some readusting as well.